General Insurance
Sign up to general insurance online with GoInsure Personal Accident and Motor insurance. GoPayz offers affordable insurance with less paperwork.
You Sure Mampu
From only a small small amount of RM13/month, it’s an affordable life insurance plan you can easily enrol online.
No Need To Jumpa Doctor​
No health check documents or tedious forms like other insurance. Promise! Answer only ONE health declaration question on the GoPayz app and you’re good to go.​
No Commitment No Problem​
With our pay-as-you-go monthly policy, you get to pay the premium of your choice without being tied down in the long run.
Underwritten by
Simple and affordable with high coverage!
Essential protection for your everyday lifestyle.
Coverage (RM)
Death/Total and Permanent Disability due to all causes.
Death/Total and Permanent Disability due to Specified Infectious Diseases
Specified Infectious Diseases Medical and Surgical Expenses benefit
Specified Infectious Diseases and Daily Hospital Income benefit
Coverage (RM)
Accidental Death/Total Permanent Disability benefit
Corrective Surgery benefit
Ambulance Service Fee benefit
Snatch Theft & ATM Robbery
Coverage (RM)
Broken Bones benefit
Accidental and Emergency Recovery Benefit
Accidental Daily Hospital Income benefit
The benefit(s) payable under eligible certificate/policy/contract is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (TIPS) Brochure or contact Sun Life Malaysia Assurance Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).
Step 1
Open GoPayz app > Tap on ‘Life Insurance'
Step 2
Complete the form and tap on 'Buy Now'
Get your questions answered here.​
(i) GoLife Plus is offered and underwritten by Sun Life Malaysia Assurance Berhad (197499-U)("SLMA"), an insurer licensed by Bank Negara Malaysia under the Financial Services Act 2013 and is promoted by U Mobile Services Sdn. Bhd. Registration No. 200401034375 (672884-H) ("U Mobile Services") to its customers. Please refer to GoPayz application for more details.
(ii) GoLife Plus is a monthly renewable term life insurance plan with attachable riders that provides coverage of up to 50 years of age. It provides a lump sum benefit in the event of death or total and permanent disability ("TPD") of life assured due to all causes. Kindly refer to the product disclosure sheet for further details.
(iii) There are 2 pre-packaged attachable riders as listed below:
(a) active lifestyle cover which is an optional benefit which provides coverage for injuries suffered due to an accident such as broken bones, accident and emergency benefit which will help you to focus on recovery in the event of accident; and
(b) snatch theft and robbery cover which is an optional benefit covered with inconvenience benefit related to snatch theft and ATM robbery.
GoLife Plus is exclusively offered to GoPayz customers who are:
(i) Malaysian citizens or permanent residents with valid NRIC;
(ii) in good health condition; and
(iii) aged between 18 up to 49 years of age at last birthday. As an illustration, if your date of birth is 28/11/1969, the last renewal date for GoLife Plus plan will be 27/11/2019 which is a day before you turn 50.
You can purchase GoLife Plus via GoPayz by selecting life insurance tab and following the instructions provided.